F bar chord guitar
F bar chord guitar

This root note defines the name of your chord. The lowest note which you press with your index finger on the sixth string, first fret is the F note, which is also the root note of your chord. When you start the E major shape barre chord starting on the first fret you’re actually playing an F major chord. The E major shape barre chord indicates a barre with an E major (shape) chord played with your middle, ring and pinky. If you don’t get a good sound out of each and every string it might be due to some of your fingers touching neighbor strings that keep them from sounding clear or you need some more pressure on the strings using the tip of your fingers. Pick all the strings one by one to make sure each string sounds clear. Your ring finger on the fifth string, third fret and your pinky on the fourth string, third fret. Next put your middle finger on third string, second fret. Now rotate your index finger slightly back onto its side so you’re not placing it totally flat on the strings and hold down all the strings. (the finger in the picture is on the sixth fret, we’re starting on the first fret). Place it on the first fret across all the strings just like the picture above in the beginning of this post. The green line illustrates your index finger. Let’s take the first chord diagram, the E major shape barre chord for example:

F bar chord guitar